Welcome to the Medicine of the Future!

Everything is vibration and that’s why we work with frequencies,
light, sound, plasma, electro-magnetism and consciousness!

Technology with a Heart

At Waves of Consciousness we combine innovative technologies
with compassion to stimulate healing and awareness.

Theraphi plasma healing

Rejuvenate and vitalise yourself
in the plasma cloud!

Aquera voice analysis

Create balance in body and mind with personalised frequencies!


Expand your consciousness with crystals, pyramids and sound!

Adamic DNA Protocol

Upgrade your DNA in an alchemistic process of transformation!

About us

We are experienced energy healers with expertise in psychology and sound therapy. Our higher mission is to elevate human consciousness, both on the individual and the collective level.

We work locally (in The Netherlands) and internationally
(through the internet and quantum resonance).

Aquera voice analysis is ideal for remote Zoom sessions.
We offer remote healing sessions with the Theraphi plasma system too.

“They have a power that has no equal.

That is the power of their heart.

For the human heart of Ki [Earth], of Ki’s children,

is one of the rare hearts, a special vortex,

that can connect with Creation,
to the Source of all consciousness.”


Rencontres galactiques conference, July 22, 2023

Create More Balance in Body & Mind Today

Would you like to book an on-line Aquera voice analysis session?

You will first submit a voice recording. We will import this to our system and do a 90 minute on-line Zoom session with you to talk through the analysis. After that a personalised frequency treatment for 2-3 months will be put on your personal Aquera page. You can listen to these balance files on headphones. Optionally we can email the 3 PDF reports too.

We charge 180 EUR for this product, to be paid in advance.

A Theraphi plasma remote session can be as effective and ‘real’ as being physically in between the bulbs. We have done sessions with clients in the UK, Germany, Denmark, USA and Australia. Location doesn’t matter, as long as the quantum connection is solid.

We communicate through Zoom before, during and after the session. It takes around 60 minutes, including talk and evaluation. This includes Daniël’s active participation as a healer.

A trajectory of 3+ sessions generally is recommended. The price for this is the 72 EUR per session. A single session goes for 90 EUR.


Call Daniël or leave a voice mail
and he will get back to you.


You can make enquiries or
book a session through e-mail.


Leave us a message through Telegram
and you will get a quick response.